Matrix Semi-Matte
This is alkyd binder based, semi-matte, wipeable, perfect covering, lead free synthetic top coat paint. Durable, luxurious paint that offers a perfect appearance and satin matte finish to the surfaces it is applied with its perfect covering and fast drying qualities, and adds flexibility and durability with its perfect adhering quality as a perfect interior decoration product that can be applied on woods, metals and walls with its no brush mark leaving wipeable quality.
All surfaces must be clean, dry and free of dirt, chalk, grease, wax, rust and loose or peeling paint before painting. Metal Surfaces: POLISAN ANTI–RUST should be applied. / Previously Painted Surfaces: Cavities should befilled with POLISAN SUPER PUTTY and primered with POLISTAR SYNTHETICPRIMER.(This product should not be directly applied to the surfaces to which SATIN PLASTER PRIMER or POLIZOLAN is applied). Such surfaces should beprimered with POLISTAR SYNTHETIC PRIMER first. Other Surfaces Knots should be burnedoff, old paints should be scraped off the surfaces and sand papered. Then, POLISTAR SYNTHETIC PRIMER should be applied to surfaces that are preferably saturated with colorless POLITEX DECORATIVE WOOD STAIN.